Innovation and thought leadership in licensing and regulation

One would be challenged to find a professional services agency that matches our passion and commitment to regulation. Beyond our management consulting and communications service offerings, we developed and maintain digital offerings to promote and support regulatory bodies in Canada and around the world.

A hub for global opportunities in licensing and regulation.

Regulatory Jobs Executive Recruitment

Executive Recruitment

Exclusive and customized mid-level and senior management search services for Canadian regulators.

Canadian Regulatory Guide

Canada’s public register of regulatory bodies. Find an organization, find a registrant, file a complaint, find a discipline decision at any Canadian regulatory body.

The Registrar magazine

The Registrar magazine – a leading regulatory sector trade publication.

Visit the Registrar magazine here.

Subscribe to receive free digital copies here.

The Registrar podcast

The Registrar podcast features interviews with professionals who commit their careers to protect the public interest. 

Hosted by MDR Strategy Group CEO, Daniel Roukema, this video-enabled podcast discusses the ins and outs of licensing and professional regulation and includes a lighter approach to learn more about the show’s guests.

Find episodes here.