Media & Social intelligence

Listen to what you see

Social Media

Online News


Broadcast News

Licensed Content

Now more than ever, you need to know what’s being said about your organization and be aware of the pressing issues that affect your work and sector.  To achieve this and enable informed decision-making, ongoing scanning of online, print, and social media, as well as broadcast and radio communications, is crucial.

MDR Strategy Group equips non-profit organizations with a humanized, relevant, and affordable issues and media monitoring approach.  We have access to more than a million accurate sources to provide daily coverage reports, monthly analytics, and quarterly summaries to ensure that our clients are fully informed.  We also provide comprehensive year-end reviews to include in our clients’ Annual Reports.

Our early bird service ensures that our clients receive treports every morning before their day begins. This gets critical information in the hands of leaders to help inform the upcoming day’s work.  Any new information throughout the day will be sent as it becomes available.

Our media and social intelligence services include:

  • Customized search – we’ll work with you to determine the keywords and issues most relevant to your organization.
  • 24/7 media monitoring – we’re always scanning to make sure that your daily reports are comprehensive.
  • Wake-up service – we send out reports early in the morning to enable decision-making before the workday begins.
  • Filtered Reporting – we remove unwanted search results to provide you with the most relevant news.





We Offer:

Daily Coverage Reports

Receive an early morning customized news brief the previous day’s press coverage and responses, social media messaging and engagements, and other online mentions and discussions about your organization, sector, and stakeholders.

Monthly Analytics

Receive a comprehensive report of the previous month’s press coverage and social media communications and engagement.

Quarterly Summaries

A summary of your online presence and engagement, as well as mentions in the press.

Annual Reports

Coinciding with your fiscal year-end, receive a comprehensive analysis of your press coverage and social media footprint to include in your organization’s Annual Report.

Contact us for more information